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Glad you are here!! I have curated some projects that I have done in my college. All my work reflects the journey I have been through my college years from the start. Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed designing. 

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This project brief was about researching the designer and understanding the ethos of the designer and making a product from the perspective of the designer. We were given 7 weeks to complete the project in which we had to manufacture an entire product with sufficient based research and should be able to reflect the designer.  



This project brief required us to envision how design can shape the future of healthcare. Dynamics were to be understood of the healthcare industry and based on thorough research a product was to be created that could make an impact in the healthcare industry.

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Chef's Table

This project was to design a product for a selected chef. We were asked to watch the show called Chef's Table on Netflix and choose our chef and design for his/her idealogy. Thorough research of the background they belonged to and envision a design in fulfillment of his or her vision was expected.


Industry Work

This project was to design a product for a Chinese-oriented company in Singapore called Scene Shang. The company focuses more on using cultural references for their products using luxury materials.

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This was my final year project, where I took up the project to work for children with Down Syndrome, A year-long research was put into my work and I tried making a device that could facilitate therapy. 

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